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Mountain Gate Rice Hulls
This parboiled rice hull is a renewable resource that is a good alternative to perlite and vermiculite as well as being less dusty. Parboiled rice hulls have a pH near neutral to slightly alkaline. However, because of their low cation-exchange capacity, they have little effect of the substrate pH. Each...
This parboiled rice hull is a renewable resource that is a good alternative to perlite and vermiculite as well as being less dusty. Parboiled rice hulls have a pH near neutral to slightly alkaline. However, because of their low cation-exchange capacity, they have little effect of the substrate pH. Each 50 lb bag is about 7 cubic feet.
Excellent drainage and moisture retention capacity.
Will not tie up nitrogen.
Free from weed seed
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From $24.00
From $24.00
- 3744 10th St NE
Washington DC 20017 -
- (202) 248-2483
Mon-Sat: 11am - 7pm
Sunday: 11am - 5pm
Sunday: 11am - 5pm
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