Quoddy Blend Lobster Compost ***

***Prices on media and other products are subject to change, please contact our store location for an exact quote***   Uses: Planting amendment for conditioning flower beds and borders, vegetable gardens, herbs and annuals   Coast of Maine Organic Products Quoddy Blend Lobster Compost is made with chitin and calcium-rich...

***Prices on media and other products are subject to change, please contact our store location for an exact quote***


Uses: Planting amendment for conditioning flower beds and borders, vegetable gardens, herbs and annuals


Coast of Maine Organic Products Quoddy Blend Lobster Compost is made with chitin and calcium-rich lobster shells, compost and sphagnum peat moss. It is a dark-brown, complex soil filled with naturally occurring microorganisms all plants need for healthy growth.  It drains well and is an ideal soil conditioner for existing beds that need reinvigorating.

It is OMRI listed for use in organic gardens.

Available in 8qt &  1cf bags.


Target pH 6.5

Healthy soil is the key to healthy plants

recycleThe key to successful growing is soil quality. Healthy soil that is rich in organic material means healthy, disease resistant plants that require less watering and feeding.

Organic material is naturally recycled plant and animal matter that has been allowed to decompose slowly and return to the soil. In a word, COMPOST! The finest compost-based soils and mulches combine decomposed marine and plant matter teeming with the naturally occurring micro-organisms all plants need for healthy growth.

Here at Coast of Maine we are proud of the quality of our composts. We start with carefully designed and tested recipes and the very best ingredients. Just as important, we pay close attention to detail throughout the composting process. That means frequent turning, sampling and testing and a lengthy aging and curing process.

Quoddy Blend is a unique, lightweight composted soil designed for maintaining gardens, beds and borders.

Remember, healthy soil is the key to growing healthy plants.

We use all natural ingredients

Quoddy Blend is a naturally lightweight, dark rich soil made from lobster and crab shells, composted cow manure, sphagnum peat moss and composted bark.

The lobster we use comes from the cold, dark waters of the Downeast coast of Maine and the Bay of Fundy. Lobster shells are a rich source of chitin and make an exceptional addition to this all-purpose soil amendment.

Follow these few, simple steps

Soil conditioner:
Quoddy Blend is the ideal soil conditioner. To recondition poor soil, work 2 inches into the top 4 to 6 inches of soil. To maintain healthy soils and for heavy feeders like roses and most vegetables, 1 inch of Quoddy Blend is sufficient. For normal feeders like herbs and flowering plants, 1/2 inch will do.

Planting trees & shrubs:
Dig a hole as deep and twice as wide as the root ball. Place the plant in the bottom so the stem is centered and the crown slightly above the rim of the hole. If the root ball is burlap wrapped, make sure to cut away the wrapping. Fill in with equal parts of Quoddy Blend and soil, tamping around the plant. Water thoroughly and regularly until the plant has established itself. Feed with an organic plant food.

For organic production

omrilogoThis product meets the organic production standards of the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) and is OMRI listed for organic production. Download the OMRI certification here.