Roots Organics HP2 0-4-0 Liquid Guano

NPK  /  0 - 4 - 0 Roots Organics HP2 liquid seabird guano is a specially extracted natural source of organic phosphorus. Guano is renowned as a source of available natural phosphorus for use during flowering and fruiting. Aurora Innovations has taken generations of gardening experience and distilled it into...

NPK  /  0 - 4 - 0

Roots Organics HP2 liquid seabird guano is a specially extracted natural source of organic phosphorus. Guano is renowned as a source of available natural phosphorus for use during flowering and fruiting. Aurora Innovations has taken generations of gardening experience and distilled it into a unique, easy-to-use formula for the hobbyist and professional gardener. Roots Organics HP2 is minimally processed to preserve all of the benefits and amazing synergistic qualities found in guano and biogenic phosphate rock.


100% Natural Seabird Guano and Biogenic Phosphate Rock


HP2 and HPK: Our two liquid guano boosters. HP2 is pure phosphorous from liquid seabird guano. HPK is phosphorous from seabird guano supplemented with potassium from a mineral called langbeinite. We separated these two products because coco, which is often present in good potting soils, has a high cation exchange rate with potassium, meaning the plant takes it up quickly. You don't want to overdo potassium in a coco heavy medium, hence our offering of pure HPK as a separate option.

APPLICATION RATE Soil or Hydroponics Add 1 TBS (15 ml) per gallon. Use during fruiting or flowering.

Roots Organics Feeding Schedule